Tuesday, February 2, 2016

This is a screenshot from the game Fallout 4.

It's color is interesting because despite being a fairly washed out scene over all, it contains smalls spots of bright reds, blues, and yellows (and green if you count the overlay.)  Despite how much they stand out, the saturation of the reds blues and yellows almost never goes above 50%, but contrast with the even paler background is enough to make the colors pop.

The Four Basic Principles

The four basic principles are Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, and Proximity

  • Contrast is when elements are different. This difference can be in size, color, texture, or really anything.
  • Repetition is when one theme or element recurs in a work, usually for emphasis
  • Alignment consists of the angles elements, as well as  the angles between elements
  • Proximity refers to the distance between element. Physical distance usually correlates to metaphorical, or emotional distance.